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Solving the Availability Pain Point, Part I

Solving the Availability Pain Point, Part I

Many of you have been extraordinarily gracious and understanding of our issues surrounding availability and communication of that availability (or lackthereof).  Hot on the heels of eliminating our KinderGreens® production issues, we're working to eliminate remaining crop shortages alongside improving the accuracy of our online availability info.

It may seem like a cosmetic update but our new web layout prioritizes product-viewing by types of availability, so that you won't have to wade through our "catalog" view of practically all 160+ varieties flashing "Backordered" or "Unavailable." Yeah, we also hate a garden enchanting products that effectively scream "don't touch" and "don't eat" due to lack of availability.

To be fair current web limitations prevented us from providing the intended experience: A clear option for the intended "Catalog View" designed to browse our entire portfolio regardless of season, availability, etc. in order to paint the overall picture of the range of crops we grow.  In contrast and alongside that view would've been our Available Now section for those who want to get in, order, get out--and we understand that's most of you chefs for most of the time.

This update is a huge first step to our intended chefs' experience. The topmost panes now quickly take you to our "Available Now", "Featured", "Coming Soon", and "A-Z Portfolio" sections. 

These sections are no longer grouped by product types such as KinderGreens®, Veggies, etc. but strictly by availability for ease of ordering and prioritizing front and center what's currently available for you. Please note that it's normal for "Backordered" to appear with "Available" as we typically expect backordered items to be back in stock within a few days to a couple of weeks, and are not wholly "Unavailable."


If you prefer to browse by collection the new layout still offers the collection headers on the main page, and each of these collections' view prioritize the products themselves rather than their availability.

Now, the kicker: as in coding and in much of life, JUNK-IN-JUNK-OUT. The ACCURACY of our inventory markers are only as good as the info we put into the system, and to that end we've been overhauling everything from the harvesters' containers to software systems in order to simplify the deluge of information our ground-crew has to track and input. True, farming in itself is hit with all kinds of variables affecting yield (too little water too much water, not enough sun too much sun, maybe Al Qaeda, or maybe artificial intelligence) that prevent 100% accurate numbers, but to be transparent that has not been our problem anyway. 

Variables aside, inventory and availability accuracy is also only as good as having enough product! And that's the perfect segue to leaving you all hanging on this cliff until the next update detailing our massive tomato + marigold + alyssum shortage solution already in place.