Ivory Oca :  An Evolution from G&D Next

Ivory Oca : An Evolution from G&D Next


Something weird happened about 3 years ago at our San Diego farm. Some of our Blush Oca (normally deep red/pink) grew as if they lost their pigments and grew... white. I thought some of that could be environmental, but that didnt explain the annually consistent yields from replanting them and the fact that the original Blush (red/pink) continued to yield their respective type. It's not the Oca-breeding project I had in mind (spoiler, that's coming down the line) but an evolution I'll gladly take.


It's not only a reminder to me of why we set aside up to 20% of our budget for R&D every year, but of what you so graciously support at Girl & Dug Farm.


Contrary to its appearance, oca is not related to crosne. Completely different size, completely dfferent growing habits, and wildly different flavor. Oca begins with a potato-like flavor but with apple-pear notes, almost like baked potato with sour cream. It finishes exceptionally clean and light unlike many potatoes do, and as an added bonus a kick of MSG-like savoriness. As its color (or lackthereof) would suggest, no significant color develops after cooking despite the slightly pink tones in some tubers. The French may call potatoes "apples of the earth" but that title seems far more fitting to these wondrous, versatile little root veggies!

F E A T U R E D   P R O D U C T S

Crunchy, snappy, crisp unlike any other cucumber and sumptuous sweetness to match. Its crisp texture remains even after pickling unlike the somewhat inappropriately named "pickling cucumber" variety.

Petite yellow flowers with a blush tinge and sunset-colored undersides deliver quite the mustardy, peppery and sweet punch of wild arugula.

Crunchy, snappy, unexpectedly sweet "squashy" complexity that other summer squash and zucchinis can't match.  Squashini®is a native Korean summer squash grown INSIDE the bag you receive it in. It's not just packaging! It's our patented bag that compresses a football sized squash into the palm of your hand. Literally. The incubating and compression technique concentrates the flavor and nutrition into a squash that's far more flavorful than zucchini, and its denser texture lends well for stewing, grilling, or eating fresh.\Squashini


Quick tip for use:

Slice or julienne raw for salads. Slice thin into circles and quickly pan fry in olive oil, or dip in an egg batter and fry. Cube and sautee or roast with your favorite veggies. Cut and toss into your favorite soup or stew, and the texture will hold instead of dissolving. Slice into long, thin slices and grill them. These have even been sliced pickled to great effect! 


Magnolia Blossom Snap Pea

Magnolia Blossom Snap Peas are as abundant in sweet, pea flavor as they are prolific on the vine. Their flowers and tendrils are noticeably sweeter than those of typical pea plants, not to mention the drop dead gorgeous purple/lavender flower petals available on our flowers section.

T H E   L I M I T E D   C O L L E C T I O N

An assortment of things we grow for research, testing, or for plain fun.

Available for a limited time or until sold out.

B R O W S E   B Y   C O L L E C T I O N





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